销售电子产品 , 仪器仪表 , CEIA高频感应加热系统
BOFA AD 350激光烟雾净化系统

Fume extraction system for light duty laser marking, coding and engraving applications. 适用于小功率激光打标、编码和雕刻等应用的烟雾净化系统。 BOFA’s Advantage 350 fume extraction and filtration system effectively removes potentially harmful fumes and particulates created during the laser marking process. By maintaining a dust-free operating area, the system helps to protect valuable equipment, maintain a higher quality mark, and reduce the number of rejects and contaminants. BOFA的AD 350烟雾净化过滤系统能有效去除有害烟雾和激光打标过程中产生的粉尘。此系统 可通过对无尘操作区域的维护来保护贵重设备,维持打标品质,减少次品量及污染。 The quiet and compact Advantage 350 is ideal for use in light duty laser marking applications, including schools, sign making workshops and small scale industrial environments. AD 350 外观小巧,噪音低,是小功率激光打标应用(如学校、打标车间和小 型工业场所等)的理想选择
